Technical - Windows & Doors
Windows and doors selection for our garden studios
Exceeding current British and European standards, our environmentally friendly energy efficient windows and doors are very high quality with excellent durability. We offer a large selection including fixed frame windows, tilt and turn windows, high level fanlight windows, bathroom windows, single entrance doors, double entrance patio doors, sliding doors and folding/sliding doors.

Manufactured from laminated Scandinavian Redwood, containing a minimum of 60% hardwood. They are pressure-treated and come with an external grade factory finished microporous water based coating. The 26mm, 2-layered low energy double-glazing has an argon filled gap between panes, increasing the insulation value. Aluminium beads are used at the vulnerable points to ensure a long life. Each of the opening windows and doors is draught-sealed. The multi-point locking and hinging hardware is concealed within the timber frames making them strong and secure.
On February 1st 2010 new rules for window marking will be introduced. This will mean that all manufacturers must mark their windows with the well-established CE mark. CE marking gives manufacturers the opportunity to document the quality of their windows and the resistance to extreme weather conditions. Rooms Outdoor has very high quality demands and that is why our supplier has been accredited with the CE mark on all our windows and doors since 1996 well ahead of the 2010 deadline which many manufacturers have yet to achieve.
Wood is the only naturally renewable material for windows and doors. Ours are made from certified timber, so you can be sure that the wood harvested has been replaced by even more new trees, adding to the carbon sink effect of our forests, and that other aspects of sustainability have also been respected. Wood is the only material that can demonstrate responsible sourcing by third party certification.
Sustainability covers a number of issues, from materials sourcing to carbon emissions, life expectancy and waste reduction. Wood scores the highest overall scores of A or A+ in the new BRE Green Guide which uses Life Cycle Assessment to measure sustainability. Notably wood windows and doors were the only windows and doors to score an A in the Climate Change Category. At the end of their life, wood windows and doors can be recycled, or used as a biomass fuel. And if they do end up in landfill, they are fully bio-degradable. Unlike other types of windows and doors, wood windows and doors can be repaired easily and inexpensively, extending their life (and their carbon store) still further, meaning even less impact on the environment than replacements. Because of the carbon sink effect of the forests, windows and doors made from wood use less energy to make, than those made from any other material - and therefore contribute least carbon emissions to the atmosphere.
Engineered or glulaminated timber is composed of several layers of dimensioned timber which is glued together. By laminating several smaller pieces of wood, a single larger structural member can be manufactured to be stronger and more stable that similarly sized pieces of solid hardwood. Engineered softwood frames are a more environmentally friendly alternative to tropical hardwoods.
Nowadays, window and door thermal efficiency is a key part of reducing energy needs. Because wood is an excellent thermal insulator, wood windows and doors have an inherent advantage over alternatives, but thermal performance is also governed by the specification of the glazing, and by the design detail of the windows themselves.
Our energy efficient glazing means lower heating bills since it reduces not only the thermal loss but also the extent of cold air dropping down into the room. The inner glass layer of an energy efficient pane has a thin metal coating that reflects the heat back into the room. The coating is neutral, allowing maximum transference of sunlight, thus providing the room with free heating. Rooms Outdoor energy efficient glazing panes create a bright, pleasant indoor environment. They allow full transference of colour through the glass, ensuring views are seen as they are meant to be. The panes are manufactured solely of float glass, which has a smooth surface and shows no optical distortions. Our windows and doors fulfil the requirements of energy class A.
Security performance was a significant factor when it came to selecting our windows and doors suppliers which means that the security and safety of our windows and doors is second to none. Our enhanced windows and doors have been tested and marked according to UK and European standards, including 'Secured By Design', a police initiative to encourage the adoption of crime prevention measures in the design of new developments and renovations. To be certified under the initiative, a particular window frame or door frame and corresponding lock and hardware set has to withstand a series of physical tests based on common burglary methods.